The Truth About Wireless Automated Fueling

automated fueling
automated fueling

No one likes having to waste fuel or lose track of their fuel data, so of course, more fleets are integrating wireless automated fueling into their operations. But what is wireless, automated fueling, and is it all it appears cracked up to be?

What is Wireless, Automated Fueling?

By wirelessly automating fueling, fuel usage automatically syncs with your cloud-based software, such as AssetWorks FuelFocus, so both management and accounting can track fuel usage from back in the office.

By automating fueling, specifically with FuelFocus, fueling is as simple as just lifting the nozzle and inserting it into the fuel inlet. FuelFocus offers a Vehicle ID Box that can only fuel your vehicle assets- just the beginning of the many untold truths of wireless automated fueling.

fueling truck
The Truths About Wireless Automated Fueling
  1. The Truth About Fuel Security
    Without an automated fueling system, vehicle credentials are not synced with the fuel system- meaning, if an employee cannot enter their specific vehicle number into the pump, the chances are they will use someone else’s number instead.

    Truth: All vehicle credentials necessary to fuel are stored within the vehicle when using wireless automated fueling. This capability removes the risk of unauthorized fueling and users from removing a nozzle and inserting it into a different vehicle- no longer distorting MPG and fueling records.

  2. The Truth About Meter Reading Captures
    Truth: When using FuelFocus, fleets no longer need to rely on their drivers manually inputting their vehicle mileage. The FuelFocus Vehicle ID Box can retrieve and store the vehicle’s meter information and automatically enter it into the software for more accurate meter readings. The software crunches numbers and displays visual data in graphics, KPIs, and more. Not only does the data accuracy improve forecasting maintenance, but it allows organizations to keep track of their many moving parts.

  3. The Truth About Work Orders
    Truth: FuelFocus seamlessly integrates with AssetWorks’ fleet management software, FleetFocus- allowing even more exposed truths!

    When incorporating the Vehicle Data Collection module into FuelFocus, vehicle telematics is automatically sent to FleetFocus to create a work order for the vehicle of concern. There is no need to rely on drivers to alert managers when a vehicle’s Check Engine light is on since the work order has already been sent back to the office so that management can schedule the maintenance- eliminating the risk of neglected maintenance.

    That all being said, yes! Wireless automated fueling is definitely what it is all cracked up to be, especially when paired with an integrative fleet management solution.

    That all being said, yes! Wireless automated fueling is definitely what it is all cracked up to be, especially when paired with an integrative fleet management solution.

To see what automated fueling is in action, fill out the form below to schedule a custom demo with the AssetWorks team.
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