5 Benefits and Challenges of Implementing an Electric Fleet

5 Benefits and Challenges of Implementing an Electric Fleet

 Even just the singular topic of electric vehicles has dozens of critical factors and sub-factors that you should consider. The objective of this white paper is to examine the different benefits and challenges of implementing an electric fleet today. Topics of this paper include applicable government mandates and laws, the size of the vehicle fleet,…

AssetWorks Capital Asset Management (CAM)

AssetWorks Capital Asset Management (CAM)

Many fleet management organizations today do not accurately track vehicle life cycle costs or analyses. Instead, they rely on non-integrated platforms, like spreadsheets or even paper systems, to make important decisions for the fleet as a whole. With AssetWorks Capital Asset Management (CAM), fleets no longer have to wonder if their vehicle and asset data…

87 Questions a Consultant Asks to Optimize Your Fleet

87 Questions a Consultant Asks to Optimize Your Fleet

While a consultant provides valuable information and an outside point of view, a self-assessment is a cost-free way to get started. This this free white paper from AssetWorks, discover the questions that a consultant may ask to help understand your fleet’s current state of affairs. By asking these questions on your own, you can begin…