How Public Works can Prepare for Hurricane Season

How Public Works can Prepare for Hurricane Season

Public works organizations are often one of the first groups called upon to help in emergency situations like hurricanes. It is a massive responsibility to be an early responder to a hurricane event. Even one misstep or miscalculation could have catastrophic effects across the community. If your community exists within a hurricane-prone geographic area, there…

Teamwork from a Public Works Maintenance Perspective

Teamwork from a Public Works Maintenance Perspective

Teamwork is an integral part of any organization. For Public Works, this is even more true. Each department has a specific role that they play in the bigger picture of their communities. Whether looking at the team from an external or internal perspective, you can see where any breakdown in communication can be detrimental to…

Flying in the Asset Management Software “Cloud” with Minimal Turbulence

Flying in the Asset Management Software “Cloud” with Minimal Turbulence

Whether you have a fully hosted software as a service (SaaS) solution or a managed hosted solution, there are some storms that you might have to encounter once you’re in the “cloud.” Some common things you might encounter are unplanned outages right as you’re processing end of the month data, an unexpected upgrade which changes…

How to Effectively Manage Public Assets

How to Effectively Manage Public Assets

Day in the life of a maintenance engineer This video follows a day in the life of a district maintenance engineer as we learn how she manages her public infrastructure assets and work crews in the most efficient way possible. From emergency public complaints and preventive maintenance, to malfunctioning sewage pumps, Debbie keeps the public…

It Takes Two to Tango – Responsive EAM Connect and Tablets

It Takes Two to Tango – Responsive EAM Connect and Tablets

AssetWorks Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) software is the driving force behind EAM Connect, the revolutionary mobile application that brings EAM wherever your employees need to go. EAM Connect is not just for field crews, however. In fact, EAM Connect can be set up with individual workflows and access levels so that your public works director, park…

eam service request app

How GIS Helps Asset Managers Streamline and Coordinate Maintenance

In today’s world, asset managers need to be able to maximize budgets and minimize effort to effectively manage a volatile economic landscape in public works. With thousands of assets, hundreds of personnel and increasing regulatory requirements, asset managers need to be able to coordinate activities to reduce the cost, duplicative efforts of their maintenance crews…

GIS: Helping to Put the “Safety” Back in “Public Safety”

GIS: Helping to Put the “Safety” Back in “Public Safety”

If there is one thing your community experiences and cares about on a daily basis, it’s public safety. Through public transportation, walking down streets with or without streetlights, calling emergency services or experiencing some sort of natural disaster or weather phenomenon, your citizens are consistently engaged in potentially dangerous situations. They deserve to know that…

How Secure is Your City’s Enterprise Asset Management Data?

How Secure is Your City’s Enterprise Asset Management Data?

  Unfortunately, these days, it’s not uncommon news to hear of a city or county that has become the victim of a cyberattack. Ultimately, this can mean their systems are down for days, heavy costs to free ransomed data or to hire experts to clean it out and a reduced perception in the public’s eye….

What is Enterprise Asset Management Software?

What is Enterprise Asset Management Software?

Enterprise asset management software is a computer software that handles every aspect of running a modern public works or asset-intensive organization. Effective enterprise asset management (EAM) software solutions include many powerful features, such as complete asset life-cycle management, flexible preventive maintenance scheduling, complete warranty management, integrated mobile wireless handheld options and portal-based software interface. Why…

4 Advantages of Esri GIS Integration with AssetWorks EAM

4 Advantages of Esri GIS Integration with AssetWorks EAM

Before we dive into the in-depth specifics of AssetWorks EAM powerful integration with Esri GIS, we have to first make sure that we have a good understanding of what GIS software is and how it can assist public works departments. So what is Esri GIS? Esri GIS is a geographic information system that uses satellites and…