Demo: How to Manage Scheduled Maintenance and Inspections

Demo: How to Manage Scheduled Maintenance and Inspections

Software for Public Works, Parks and Recreation, and Facilities Organizations At AssetWorks, our mission with EAM is simple: we partner with our customers to build innovative, yet practical software solutions to help them manage assets and infrastructure of any type to better serve the people in their communities through integrated infrastructure asset management software.

How to Manage Public Works like Google: Using OKR and a Capital Plan

How to Manage Public Works like Google: Using OKR and a Capital Plan

You may have heard of a management tool called OKR, which is used by many large companies across various industries – from tech to retail – for tracking objectives and results. These companies include Google, Walmart, LinkedIn, Facebook, Uber and many others.   What is OKR? OKR stands for “Objectives and Key Results” and is…

How Allocation & Assignment and the Inventory Catalog Portal Work Together

Demo: How Allocation & Assignment and the Inventory Catalog Portal Work Together

Modern inventory management for public works AssetWorks EAM provides fully integrated parts and materials inventory management for an unlimited number of stock locations, which directly connects to EAM’s work order management, allowing technicians and crews to request parts and materials from an inventory location directly to a work order.

The Future of Government and Fleet Management with GIS Data

The Future of Government and Fleet Management with GIS Data

Picture this: you’ve achieved your lifetime goal of becoming a high-ranking government official. People come to you for wisdom and advice regarding the affairs of the community and region with which you are associated. How do you come up with the answers to the questions you’re asked? You could go out firsthand and experience the…

3 Common Preventive Maintenance Issues and How to Fix Them

3 Common Preventive Maintenance Issues and How to Fix Them

Have you ever run into issues with effective preventive maintenance at your organization? Are your processes inefficient, inaccurate or forgotten altogether? As such an integral part of asset management, preventive maintenance problems can cause ripple effects throughout your department or even organization. Have no fear, however, as this blog details some effective solutions to dealing…

4 Things to Consider before Investing in Mobile Technology for Field Crews

4 Things to Consider before Investing in Mobile Technology for Field Crews

As technology continues to revolutionize the way that public works departments conduct their day-to-day operations and business, they must consider which hardware and software solutions are worthwhile, and which will not net a return on investment (ROI). Here are four important factors to consider before choosing a mobile technology solution: Connectivity What is the service…

The 4 Stages of EAM Implementation: Documentation and File Storage

The 4 Stages of EAM Implementation: Documentation and File Storage

When your organization gets to work implementing a new software with its provider, how is the plan laid out for you? Is it prepared in stages? An overarching goal? Are you in the loop at all? One of the things that AssetWorks always covers during a new software implementation is the stages of benefits that…

3 Ways Public Works Can Benefit from a Business Process Assessment

3 Ways Public Works Can Benefit from a Business Process Assessment

In the public works industry, keeping pace with the latest technology is crucial to effective and efficient operations. According to ComputerWeekly, legacy systems or operations are holding 90% of businesses back from embracing new technologies or more efficient processes. The only way to know exactly where your current operations needs improvement is to conduct a business…