How to Prevent Heavy Rainfall From Damaging Your Infrastructure

Every decade the annual rainfall in the United States increases by almost a quarter of an inch.  Though some regions see less rain than others, the trend has caused communities to rethink their infrastructure. Many communities can be found implementing green infrastructure to eliminate the costly damage from heavy rain and flooding.

Green Infrastructure

Green infrastructure is a cost-effective way to manage water supply without having to design a new water treatment plan. Examples of green infrastructure include:

Rain Gardens
Rain gardens are depressed areas in the landscape designed to catch water from roofs, driveways, and streets. This helps reduce the amount of water running off the property by allowing water to be absorbed by the garden soil.

Underground Infiltration Trenches
Underground infiltration trenches are ditches in the ground that allow for water from adjacent surfaces to easily be collected in the trench. It also serves to cut down on the number of pollutants in stormwater by intercepting water flow.

Underground Storage and Filtration System
Underground storage stores water inside its tank instead of water being absorbed into the ground from a trench. The tank can also have a filtration system so the rainwater can be used for other purposes: emergencies, drinking, and irrigation.

Regional Stormwater Pond

Stormwater ponds collect water from roads, parking lots, and buildings into a basin, so the water can be drained into the pond. Creeks and rivers are unable to hold a significant capacity of water, so stormwater ponds reduce the chances of those waterways flooding.

Opting out of Gray Infrastructure

With a gray infrastructure, stormwater is forced to travel a long distance before reaching its destination- which is unable to hold a large volume of water from a heavy rain event. The stormwater is full of toxins from its travel, so when flooding occurs those toxins are released back into the environment- acting as a poison to animals and humans.

Choosing to implement green infrastructure in your community also provides economic benefits by preserving roadways. Damage from flooding leads to road construction and rehabilitation- costing billions.  Even though the benefits of green infrastructure are greater than gray, many communities are worried about how to maintain new infrastructure.

How AssetWorks Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) Can Help

AssetWorks EAM does the managing for you, so your employees can do what they do best- their job. Switching infrastructures may appear initially appear as a challenge, but EAM has all the solutions required to ensure your assets remain maintained. With EAM’s integrability, you can also track all asset maintenance-related data under one database.

To learn other ways AssetWorks Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) can help manage green infrastructure, fill out the form below.
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