Asset tracking

Fixed asset management for school districts

Save time and money while streamlining asset management work processes

Automate asset tracking and accounting

AssetWorks Asset Management Solutions for K12 School Districts help you achieve regulatory compliance while providing students and teachers the resources they need.

Improve data quality

Leverage onsite inventory/re-inventory services to establish accurate capital asset records, including useful life, depreciation, and up-to-date asset valuations.

Automate asset tracking

Introduce new levels of efficiency to your district with highly secure, web-based software solutions for asset and inventory management. Automate the asset management process from acquisition through disposal and report on all assets in real-time.

Remain compliant

Ensure regulatory compliance (e.g. GASB 34/35, GAAP). Compliant reports for property accounting and tracking can be created to meet the needs of your school district and its auditors.


Automating Asset Tracking and Accounting for K12 School Districts

As school budgets continue to dwindle and the funds needed for daily operations only grow, school business officials are charged with the job of constantly coming up with new ways to stretch every dollar. Learn how asset management software can improve asset management work processes.

Want to learn more about asset management software?

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