Webinar Recap: Recoup Speaker Series, Equipment Lifecycle Management with UCSD

Recoup Speaker Series
Recoup Speaker Series


For our inaugural Recoup Speaker Series event, AssetWorks hosted the property management team at the University of California San Diego for a conversation on the value of building partnerships and collaboration across the asset lifecycle. Led by Jamie Wheat, UCSD’s Capital Equipment Manager, the virtual panel discussion focused on the importance of people for achieving and maintaining great asset management systems and processes. 

The group gave a candid, real-life look into how UCSD collaborates across departments to achieve asset management best practices at one of the country’s leading research universities. 

You can see clip below:

On behalf of the entire panel, THANK YOU so much for joining the discussion yesterday. Thank you for responding to the invitation, sharing it with your colleagues, and asking questions. We know time is precious and we hope we provided take-aways, inspiration and the knowledge that you have the support of an entire community. 

This was the inaugural event for what we are calling our “Recoup Speaker Series.” The goal of the Recoup Speaker series is to provide relatable, accessible insights while supporting our asset management community. A high-level look at an operation like UCSD’s, which is achieving and maintaining best practices, was (we hope!) an ideal start.

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